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SQL-kurs med Birgitta Hauser – FLYTTET
3. mai 2022 kl 08:00 - 16:00

Vi får besøk av Birgitta Hauser, som snakker om SQL. Dette er en unik mulighet til faglig påfyll, og har du spesielle temaer du ønsker at Birgitta tar opp? Klikk her og send oss en e-post i dag! Påmeldingsskjema ligger lenger ned på denne siden.
Stede: Møterommet SuperMoon hos IBM i Oslo
Tid: Tirsdag 3. mai 2022 kl 08:00-16:00
Pris: Kr 3.950 kr inkludert lunsj og forfriskninger.
Foreløpig agenda: Did you expect you can do this with SQL?
- Group By, Having
- Aggregate Functions
- Aggregate Functions and distinct Values
- Aggregate Functions and NULL Values
- Case Clause and Aggregate Functions
- ListAgg and Split-Functions
- Multi-dimensional Grouping (generating all kinds of Sub-Totals and Totals)
- OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Specifications
- Syntax
- Windows Order Clause
- Window Partition Clause
- OLAP Categories
- Numbering Specifications
- Ordered Specifications
- Aggregate Specifications
- OLAP Specifications and Multi-dimensional Grouping
- SQL and IFS
- IBM Managing the IFS
- Generating and Consuming IFS Files and source physical file members
- Writing to the IFS
- Reading IFS Files and source physical file members
- Comparing IFS Files and Directories
- Consuming *.csv Files
- JSON and Web-Services
- JSON Basics
- Generating JSON Data with SQL
- Consuming JSON Data with SQL
- http-Functions – Consuming Web-Services