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POWERcast: Reports and Dashboards with Db2 Web Query for i!
21. juli 2020 kl 19:00 - 20:00
Nytt webinar fra Common USA. Foredragsholder er Doug Mack. Les mer og med deg på her.
Tired of manual efforts to build data extracts to fulfill requests for data? Is the use of mobile devices for information dissemination trending up? Tired of spreadsheet generation? This session will cover how easy it is to set up an automated distribution of reports/dashboards to consumers, whether on a mobile device or to support work at home users. Push information out to users, or support their ability to access data when they want it and in the forms they want it in – with the confidence that controls are in place to eliminate run away queries.
Doug Mack is a DB2 for i Analytics Consultant in IBM’s Power Systems Lab Services organization, employed by IBM in the United States. Doug currently leads the Analytics team for the DB2 for i Lab Services team delivering Query/400 modernization, DB2 Web Query, Data Warehouse design, skills transfer, and implementation guidance services worldwide.